What is Palliative Care?
Palliative Care is supportive care for someone with a serious/chronic illness and is provided in conjunction with home health treatment. It is not hospice care. Patients must have a home health/skilled need to qualify for palliative care. The Sequoia Palliative Care team uses a multi-disciplinary approach to address the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual needs of our palliative patients.
Our multi-disciplinary team includes:
A medical doctor (Patients still keep their primary physician)
Nurse trained in hospice/palliative care
Utilizing specific care conferences to discuss outcomes of each palliative patient, our team is committed to:
Optimizing quality of life by anticipating, preventing and treating symptoms
Providing advanced management of pain and other distressing symptoms
If desired and appropriate, facilitating transition to hospice services for end-of-life comfort care
Communicating with the family to ensure they are central in decision making, while providing the best quality of life for the patient
Fill out the referral form, and our Business Development Manager will be in touch with you to learn more about your palliative care needs and how we can help.